

Day 106 of 366 Day Project

“Magic is everywhere, explore & be amazed everyday!”


I know I’ve already posted a blog on shadows, Day 48 with Kodie my dog, but this one was magic and I thought worth sharing here. This was on our way home from the park when the sun was low. My three grandchildren were giggling and fascinated with the distorted effect of their shadows…so tall and skinny, no representation of them in real life.

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Shadows—for all their subtlety—will add so much to any picture. They’re spectacular for highlighting emotions and generating some really surreal imagery. The best part about them may be the fact that they can be used in so many different ways. Versatility is always a very likeable quality!


“Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.” ~ Ruth E.Renkel

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It all comes down to how a photographer approaches the concept of shadows in snapping pictures. Shadows aren’t simply black masses that border light; rather, they’re entities that are every bit just as alive as the light in a picture!

There are many diverse ways that shadows could be incorporated into everyday photography. Photographers use focus, texture and, in some cases, even misdirection to highlight the power of shadows as a way of producing something aesthetically pleasing.

Shadows can be used to obscure, as when they hide facial detail to draw the eye to a certain part of the face. They may also be used to display both texture and form, as when their presence highlights details in the terrain (such as ripples in the sand) or long shadows on a stretch of ground.

Sometimes, they’re used simply to give viewers something to really scratch their heads about, as when they’re featured in shadow distortion.

How good is your skill at using shadows for effect? Do you have some experience with this interesting technique, or are you just getting started?