

Day 108 of 366 Day Project

“Magic is everywhere, explore & be amazed everyday!”


Buoys and marks are like marine traffic signals, and they have particular meanings – warning of dangers, directing you to deep water and keeping you on the correct side of the channel.

160417 - Day 108 Boat Guide Beacon-2 wm

Direction of the buoyage: On entering a port or harbor, or travelling upsteam in a river or channel, you should pass the port (RED) mark on your port (LEFT) side and the starboard (GREEN) mark on your starboard (RIGHT) side.

On leaving a port or harbour, or travelling downstream in a river or channel, you should pass the port (RED) mark on your starboard (RIGHT) side and the starboard (GREEN) mark on the port (LEFT) side.

A simple rhyme that references navigation lights on your vessel and may help you to remember is:

“Green to green when going upstream; green to red when seas are ahead.”