Day 21 of 366 Day Project

“Magic is everywhere, explore & be amazed everyday!”

I stopped to check out the local Alex Skate Park at Alexandra Headlands this evening. I thought there might be a competition or something going down, as there were so many people. Oh I know why…it’s still school holidays and a beautiful balmy evening so the locals and holidaymakers were out enjoying what the Sunshine Coast has to offer.

For the kids, teenagers and adults alike the Skate Park is so popular. I’m always amazed how easily the bikes, scooters and skateboarder riders don’t collide with each other. It was so busy but those that were there just seemed to scooter, skate and ride around calmly in unison with each other. It was both fascinating and interesting to watch. I also noticed that ‘everyone’ using the skate park was wearing a helmet and some even had knee and elbow pads too. It’s refreshing to know that we’re looking after our safety whilst out enjoying ourselves.

Next time you see a skate park, stop and check it out…I guarantee you’ll be amazed too.