
Day 70 of 366 Day Project

“Magic is everywhere, explore & be amazed everyday!”

“Children Reinvent your world for you.” ~ Susan Sarandon

How adorable is this photo?  I just had to share this magical moment captured at Wild Honey Photography today… the bond between mother and child. During the photo session Blake was constantly listening for his mums voice and following the sounds. What a precious moment between mother and child, as he studies his mums face taking everything in and being completely at ease knowing mum is there and that he’s protected.

From eye contact to ‘motherese’, there are ways to nurture the unique connection with your new baby.

There’s really only one way to understand the bond a mother has with her baby and that is to experience it. Once the connection is formed, there is nothing that the mum wouldn’t do for this tiny human. They change your entire outlook on life, but what makes this bond so strong?

There’s no doubt that biological instinct plays a part. Giving birth, breastfeeding and holding your baby will flood your body with the love hormone oxytocin, helping to switch into mother mode.

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“Making the decision to have a child – it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around the outside of your body.” ~ Elizabeth Stone

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“It takes someone really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself.” ~ Ritu Ghatourey