“Family Fun on the Water”


Day 33 of 366 Day Project

“Magic is everywhere, explore & be amazed everyday!”

How magical is this moment I captured on my evening walk…father and son with their two fur friends out cruising on the river. I love the way the dog at the front wearing the life jacket is leading the way forward like the captain of the ship. He’s obviously taken ownership of his position.

“In life it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with.”

I still often pinch myself, as I can’t believe how many wonderful moments I have witnessed on the same walk, every day life shows me something new and memorable to witness. For example, in the morning I came across some friends cooling themselves and their dogs off in the river. One of the dogs only had three legs so swimming is a safe option for it as for the other elderly dogs it’s kinder on their weary bones and arthritis. Exercising in water is a safe alternative.

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Friends cooling off themselves and their dogs on a hot day

“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”