About me
Helga’s Story
Helga Dalla is a proud mother, grandmother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. She lives with her family on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Helga is known as Australia’s leading twinographer | photojournalist specializing in recording the amazing connections and unique stories of twins and triplets across Australia.
Helga is a member of Australian Institute of Professional Photography and her passion is to create opportunities for twins and triplets and their families to become a part of Australian history. It is rare talent among professional photographers to be able to enter into the intimate world of people, often strangers, and reveal their unique relationships with each other and with the world around them.
This is what Helga Dalla has consistently achieved with her photographs of twins and triplets. Helga has established strong partnerships with the Australian Multiple Birth Association, the Australian Twin Registry. She is the Author of ‘A World of Twins’ book series and has photographed hundreds of sets of twins and triplets, winning national and international awards, and most recently a winner of the Summer Award at the 3rd International Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography, which will be exhibited in Spain in September this year.
Helga’s aspiration is to provide twins and their families from around Australia with an opportunity to tell their story and share their amazing twin connection through images. Helga’s ultimate goal is to provide an opportunity for twins to connect with each other across the world and to partner with the global charity, Compassion. Compassion works with local churches around the world to foster the spiritual, economic, social, physical and emotional development of twins living in extreme poverty. Through her involvement with Compassion Helga has initiated an avenue to connect twins and their families from around the world by sponsoring twins living in extreme poverty in developing countries. Helga currently sponsors eight children…twins in Burkina Faso.
Helga’s also involved in the natural health community as a result of being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in March 2015. She tried lots of different products and treatments in her healing journey and now shares her success through her non-for-profit ‘Advancing Health Naturally‘ company to raise funds for research. She’s passionate about Nrf2 activator and researching different products and performing blind trials for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis, chronic autoimmune diseases which are crippling our society.
Helga often hears stories from those after visiting their GP wanting answers and all they get is a common ‘diagnosis’ 😱
😷 and a prescription for ‘more’ medication
Well Advancing Health Naturally do is offer knowledge from personal experiences by those who have helped themselves resolve or improve their health dramatically by adopting disruptive new natural health solutions.
Helga loves collaborating with others to give her followers a smorgasbord board of powerful healing tools and collectively we are able to impact so many more lives.
If this vibe resonates with you, you can join our tribe here : http://bit.ly/2zEOWzL
“There is too much pain and suffering in this world, and it doesn’t need to be like that.” ~ Helga Dalla
Quote Of The Day
“It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.”
Alfred Eisenstaedt 1898 – 1995